Oakland Literacy Coalition and Reading Partners host family literacy night
March 12, 2019
Reading Partners is thinking strategically about how we can expand our impact to a school wide level and celebrate our students’ families in a big way. Recently, we had the opportunity to unite with a fantastic community partner, the Oakland Literacy Coalition, and hosted a wonderful family night filled with a love for reading. This Family Reading Celebration was a great way to engage students and families across the school community. We celebrated reading not only with our Reading Partners students but also with students who are not enrolled in our program.
My daughter has had a great time being in this program. Her confidence has really improved, so much even, that she thinks reading better comes with special privileges at home. One time she said to me, ‘Momma, how am I supposed to get faster at reading if I spend this much time doing chores instead of practicing?’ She has even started coming home and insists on being her brother’s ‘Reading Partner’. He is 2 and barely says words but she wants to make sure he’ll be the best reader in his class.
– Mother of a Reading Partners student.
By the end of our event, we gave away over 200 books to students at Fruitvale Elementary and their families to take home and build an At-Home-Library. Thank you, Oakland Literacy Coalition, for being a wonderful ally in our battle against the educational opportunity gap!