Reading Partners Seattle hosts Read to Succeed Breakfast
April 10, 2017
Reading Partners Seattle recently hosted its inaugural Read to Succeed Breakfast fundraiser. This breakfast was a chance to reflect on how early reading skills are building blocks for our students’ lifelong opportunities and achievements. Our executive director, Afi Tengue, spoke about the changes and challenges in Seattle’s education landscape, as well as how Reading Partners gives us all the agency to shape literacy success for upcoming generations. Our keynote presenter, civic leader and fellow educator, Clint Smith, gave a stirring call to look both within ourselves and beyond the classroom to advocate for the communities we serve. Together, we raised over $40,000 to build our students’ reading skills and disrupt the intergenerational cycle of poverty in Seattle. We cannot thank our supporters and sponsors enough for their commitment to Seattle public school students. The bright energy our volunteers and stakeholders bring to students is a powerful part of our model. Thank you to all our attendees for coming together to celebrate our ever-growing impact on students’ futures!